Full moon Gemini nov 23 2018

This coming full moon in Gemini will be about reflection & recognition. It’s about completions from a mental cognitive level, recognizing what already feels finished and how there’s a sense of a finished cycle in terms of vision, purpose and alignment, but also a detachment and a falling away from the mind and what it used to feel it needed. There’s a deeper integration of realizing where attachment to concept creates disharmony, and where the mind seeks peace, freedom, greater space to exist. The battle will feel finished, or it will no longer feel like it’s worth fighting for anymore. There will be a relinquishing of control as the mind feels ready to separate itself in view of itself from an old form, identity or concept of life. This will feel like something that has been a long time coming and is now at a point of graceful surrender and death.

Full moon in Gemini essence works on transcending duality and conflict in the mind. You can order through my site or DM for purchase . $30 for 100ml +$8 shipping. Pick avail in Glen Eira region.

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